About me
My name is Boryana Angelova and am English speaking psychotherapist practicing in Sofia, Bulgaria. Offer individual psychological counseling and therapy for adults. Conduct seminars for self-knowledge.
In my psychotherapeutic practice, I most often work with people who have:
- difficulties in their relationships;
- difficulties in communicating with others;
- difficulties in making decisions;
- difficulty in experiencing separation or loss of a loved one;
- problems with confidence and self-esteem;
- problems in the workplace with colleagues and the boss;
- anxiety caused by the Covid-19 pandemic (social anxiety, panic attacks).
In parallel with my training in Psychodrama, I went through several training seminars and schools. Thanks to them, I expanded and supplemented the psychodrama method’s therapeutic framework, including techniques from family constellations, gestalt therapy, trans-generational aspects, dreamwork, and systemic therapy.
My individual work as a counseling psychologist, psychodrama presenter, and therapist is based on various dynamic theories, cognitive-behavioral psychology, and trans-generational / generational aspects.
These were the two years that gave me the opportunity to gain a more profound knowledge of myself, to learn to deal constructively with my inner conflicts, and to go more quickly through the critical life situations that characterize each of us. I developed traits of my character that are necessary for every future therapist: altruism, empathy, patience, and calm.
These three years helped develop my autonomy and gave rise to my personal maturity. This is also the period during which the basic instruments and elements of psychodramatic work are mastered.
This level was again 3 years with a duration of 600 hours and developed in parallel with my private practice as a psychodrama assistant, which was under supervision.
In order to succeed in business and grow in our careers, we need to improve our soft skills as well. Going through a one-year Coach course, I learned to train people to be more emotionally intelligent and cope with their emotions at work.
- 2022 - Master of Personality Psychology at the University of Veliko Tarnovo "St. St. Cyril and Methodius".
- 2021 - Psychotherapeutic education - Psychodrama therapist at the Chiron Institute, Sofia;
- 2019 - Trainer in business - at the Institute for Psychodramatic Practices "Chiron";
- 2019 - Psychotherapeutic education - Psychodrama therapist at Chiron Institute, Sofia;
- 2018 - Training for therapeutic skills at Dynamics - center for psychotherapy, psychological and psychiatric counseling;
- 2017 - Psychotherapeutic education - Psychodrama assistant at the Chiron Institute, Sofia;
- 2013 - Bachelor of Social and Organizational Psychology at the New Bulgarian University, Sofia;
2019 – Psychodrama trainer in the business;
2020 – „Negotiation skills and effective communication“ by Tecnológico de Monterrey;
2020 – Training on how to increase learning efficiency;
2022 – Psychodrama psychotherapist
Numerous participations in annual conferences, courses, practices, upgrading training, and seminars in psychotherapy;
- Member of the Bulgarian Society of Psychodrama and Group Therapy;
- Member of the Bulgarian Society of Psychotherapy;
- Member of the Bulgarian Society of Psychologists;
A registered psychologist with number: BG RP 2424 – 2634 (6001, 6004) in the Bulgarian Public Register of Psychologists.
A registered psychologist with number: BG № 086/2022 in the Bulgarian Society of Psychotherapy.
Short biography:
Since 2017, in parallel with my private practice as a psychologist and psychotherapist, I have been working as a soft skills coach and offering organizational consulting and training in business. Organize seminars for personal development and self-knowledge—author of a number of articles on mental health and coping with everyday difficulties.
At the moment I am developing my practice in Sofia.
I work in collaboration with Open Bulgaria.

Open Bulgaria serves the local and international community living in Bulgaria by creating original content about all aspects of life in the country, hosting online and offline events, and being the go-to place when a question about Bulgaria needs answering.
Their team of creators works hard to provide reliable and up-to-date English information about life here. Whether you’re visiting or thinking of moving, they have the information you need. They share jobs, real estate listings and rentals, and other essential services for internationals, helping everyone to feel safe, and at home. More about them – you can find here.
I speak English and work with foreigners. You can find more about me on LinkedIn.
Articles in English will be published here.
First one is an interview with Open Bulgaria – SOS mental health. Enjoy!
If you are interested in starting a group psychodrama therapy – you can find out more about it here.
If you are interested in starting a therapy you can contact me via the following form: